What are the API Keys

API Keys are used to access our public APIs programmatically without having to perform an interactive login and store a cookie. You can create as many keys as you like and disable keys that you no longer need.

CAUTION Each API key generated is unique to your user, and should never be shared with anyone else. Do not post it on public support forums, or send them in email to anyone (including us!).

Creating API Keys

  1. Click on your email address at the top-right of the navigation bar
  2. Select Settings from the drop-down menu
  3. Select the API Keys option on the left-hand side
  4. Press the Create API Key button to create a new API key

Removing API Keys

To remove API keys, navigate to the API Keys section in User Settings and then press the ‘x’ next to the Key is Active text.

API Documentation

API Documentation can be found here.

Manufacturing API Questions?

If you have any questions about our Manufacturing API or how to use API Keys, contact our support team.